zig zag

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Easy to get to...hard to leave

That is the Alexandria saying. It's very true. Easy to get to (despite the 6.5 hour drive) but it's extremely hard to leave. So far this summer we've spent 3 weekends in Alexandria. The first trip was on Father's Day weekend with Katie & Logan. Then we went up for an additional 10 days to spend time with the entire family for the 4th of July. It was the most amazing and relaxing vacation. Here is a small sampling of the pictures taken so far.
Pants & Scott
1st minnow of 2010
Wine tasting at Carlos Creek WineryScott & Kirby before Weston Station

Owen and Jim driving the boat

Amy's girlfriends ready to soak in the sun
Using the self-timer on the new camera
Alexandria Beetles baseball game
Walking to the beetles game
We got purple shirts!
After shooting the 2nd minnow
Bonfire night with Scott and his crazy eyes
Self-timer picture at the bonfire
4th of July booze cruise
Boys on the booze cruise - who is driving the boat?
Wine tasting at Carlos Creek Winery

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